
The highest authority of the PERIIA Network is the General Assembly, which will meet at least once per calendar year. The board will announce the date as early as possible, and no later than 6 weeks in advance. Remote participation to the General Assembly will be made available when technically possible but cannot be guaranteed.

The annual work programme for the PERIIA Network board will be presented, discussed, and agreed upon at each General Assembly. Agreement should be reached by consensus. If consensus on the work programme or other matters cannot be reached, the decision is made based on a simple majority vote.

The members of the board will be up for election every 2 years with an optional supplementary election after a year if a board seat is vacant. Candidates for the board can make their candidature known to the board up to 3 weeks prior to the General Assembly. In this case, the board will distribute their candidature presentation alongside the invitation and agenda for the General Assembly. Candidates for the board are recommended to participate in the General Assembly (either in person or remotely) but are not required to.

The PERIIA Network General Assembly seeks to elect the representatives to the board by consensus taking into consideration balance among the represented big science organisations and the geographical distribution of participants. If consensus cannot be reached, simple majority decides elections. Participation in the voting on candidates require presence (either in person, delegated or remotely) at the general assembly.

These Terms of Engagement are temporarily and not legally binding. They are valid until the legal status of the PERIIA association has been established. Changes to these Terms of Engagement can be made at the general assembly by a 2/3 majority vote of the members present (either in person, delegated or remotely) at the General Assembly.