Participate in our survey

Do you want to improve the way RIs and Industry interact?

ENRIITC is building a permanent pan-European network of Industry Liaison and Contact Officers (ILOs/ICOs) that will enable industry to become a full partner of research infrastructures as users, suppliers or co-creators.

An important first move in this process is to map the key elements in implementing the envisaged collaborative framework between the ESFRI RIs and industry players to promote technological innovation. ENRIITC is therefore conducting a survey in the form of two questionnaires, one addressing ILOs and the other addressing ICOs.

As an ILO, your participation is extremely valuable, as it will be used to develop an effective strategy and methodology for establishing, training and empowering an effective pan-European network of coordinated RI ILOs and ICOs, one that will truly take RI-industry dialogue to a new level.

Responses to the survey will lay the foundation for establishing cross-border partnerships between industry and RIs, unlocking underexploited innovation potential among industrial actors across Europe, and therefore maximising societal and economic benefits across the entire innovation value chain.

In brief, the survey aims to:

  • Map the “Industry as an RI supplier” relationship, including key actors, sectors, technologies, and competencies.

  • Investigate the nature and extent of access and usage by companies of the RI services and products.

  • Analyse the choice and effectiveness of current ILO and ICO performance indicators.

  • Learn more from real-life experiences of what really drives or hinders the development of closer collaboration between industry and RIs, where industry is either a supplier or a user.

Industry Liaison Officer Questionnaire

If you are an ILO (Industry as a Supplier) and wish to participate by answering the questionnaire, please click here.

Additional information

The questionnaires are made up of different sections, and will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

The results of the survey will be made available publicly by ENRIITC in the form of online, graphical summaries of the information collected, including statistics relating to geography, sectors, market products, technologies, and competencies flagged by respondents.

The privacy and anonymity of respondents will be protected at all times, both during and after the survey. All responses will be treated confidentially and will be statistically processed. Results will be anonymised and presented only at aggregate level.

The survey will remain open online until midnight, 15 July 2020 CEST. If you require further information or experience any technical problems with the survey, please contact

Thank you very much for your contribution and for helping to shape future relations between RIs and industry and ensure the sustainability of strong EU business and innovation sectors.